Bonus Spring Cleaning Episode: People Like Us, Magic Mike, and Chasing Mavericks

peoplepeople 2People 3
People Like Us.  “People Like Usis the reason movies like this are so frustrating for an audience like The Misfits.

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Magic Mike.  Cheaper than a “hen party,” safer than a bunch of “rope tricks,” and definitely less degrading than a “pervy hole,” the Misfits offer their review of Magic Mike, the story of a misunderstood male stripper.  But if watching the “bump and grind” isn’t enough and you decide to take it all the way, remember to be sure and “cloak the captain.”

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Chasing Mavericks.  Some movies are more than the sum of their parts; This film is more than the sum of its too many parts.  Despite too many characters, too many coincidences, and too many plot lines, it still manages to be a pretty decent film about surfing.

Thanks for listening!  We’ll be back in two weeks.
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Cinema Misfits Podcast, Episode 67: Jack the Giant Slayer, Robot & Frank, and Oz the Great and Powerful

ImpossibleYellow RockDredFriends kidsmoth
6 ‘n 90!  Da Man reviews six films in ninety seconds.″

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Jack the Giant Slayer.  An even better title for this film would have been — not Jack and the Beanstalk — but The Beanstalk and Jack.  Or even better yet: Beanstalk!″

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Robot & Frank.  It’s a film about memory and the loss of memory that’s unforgettable.″

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