Cinema Misfits Podcast, Episode 84: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, American Hustle, and The Wolf of Wall Street

6 ‘n 90!  Da Man reviews six films in ninety seconds.

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.  Mitty is an anonymous everyman who uses fantasy as a way to escape from his… important and creatively rewarding job at LIFE magazine?  And his… understanding and supportive mother?  Not to mention his…new girlfriend who thinks he’s terrific?  Wait a minute.  Is this Mitty’s real life or one of his fantasies?

American Hustle.  It’s less about Abscam than the bad hair decisions made by men in the 70s.  Bale has an elaborate comb over, Cooper sports a self-administered perm, and Renner tops off his head with an impressive pompadour.  It’s a regular rogue’s gallery of unfortunate hairstyles.

The Wolf of Wall Street.  Even though Martin Scorsese’s stock soared with Hugo, creatively he now finds himself in a bear market with The Wolf of Wall Street.
Thanks for listening! We’ll be back in three weeks.
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Special Great Gatsby Episode

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The Great Gatsby.  The eyes of T. J. Eckleburg have nothing on the Misfits.  In this Special Great Gatsby Episode, we stare long and hard at three of Hollywood’s attempts to bring F. Scott Fitzgerald’s classic to the screen.  Like the bespectacled eyes of Doctor Eckleburg, our gaze is often disapproving and occasionally downright judgmental.  The part of Jay Gatsby has been played by Alan Ladd (1949), Robert Redford (1974), and Leonardo DiCaprio (2013).  But when all is said and done, the question the Misfits must answer is, “Are any of these Gatsbys all that great?”

Thanks for listening! We’ll be back in two weeks.
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Cinema Misfits Podcast, Episode 45: My Week With Marilyn, Puss In Boots, J. Edgar, and Hugo.

6 ‘n 90!  Da Man reviews six films in ninety seconds.″

My Week with Marilyn.  Forget about one week, judging by this movie, two hours would be too long.″

Puss in Boots.  This prequel to Shrek definitely lays an egg–but is it a golden egg or a goose egg?″

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