Mark Lisanti, Marooned on “The Islander” (audio interview)

Between 2004 and 2008, while I was assiduously running a reading program and computer lab at an inner-city LAUSD school, I was also spending a lot of time checking into a blog called Defamer (only on my breaks, taxpayers…never fear).  Sadly, Defamer is virtually gone now, swallowed whole by its big brother, Gawker, but for those four years, it was one of the best reads on the ‘net.  It was a Hollywoood gossip blog.  There’s plenty of those out there, and they are usually filled with snarky jabs and easy pot shots (I’m looking at you, Perez Hilton, and your blog-writing underlings).  Defamer had something special going for it…the quality of the writing, which was unlike anything else out there in the vast blogosphere of gossip.

The reason was Mark Lisanti, founding editor of Defamer, and our guest on “The Islander.”

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